Emily’s Story

From the delicate strokes of a makeup brush to the vibrant splashes of paint on canvas, Emily has transitioned from the world of beauty to the realm of fine art. Formerly a makeup artist, Emily has re-directed her skills and passion to create captivating paintings that celebrate compassion, nature, and the ever-changing seasons of life.

Drawing inspiration from her background in makeup artistry, she approaches her canvas with a keen eye for detail and an understanding of form.
Her artwork often features women exuding strength and grace, animals embodying freedom and spirit, and flowers blooming with beauty and resilience. Each piece is a testament to her belief in the power of self-acceptance and the beauty that can be found in embracing one's authentic self.

“In the beginning stages of each painting, I love to incorporate abstract elements using markers, inks and spray paints, to record exactly how I am feeling in that moment and to create a foundation of authentic emotion to each piece of artwork."

With every brushstroke, Emily aims to evoke a sense of peace and tranquility, inviting viewers to pause, reflect, and find solace in the present moment. Through her art, Emily invites you to join her on a journey of exploration and contemplation, where beauty is not just seen, but felt deeply within the soul. Embracing both the challenges and joys of life, she encourages others to find their own path to peace and self-acceptance through the universal language of art.